How to Build a Game Portfolio as a Student: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image credits: Brian Blalock via
You’ve spent hours watching animation. You’re awed by how digital art could create such jaw dropping visuals. Now, you can’t wait to learn it and start creating animations for your dream studio! Now the dilemma arise, whether to learn animation all by yourself or join an institution.
These are the times when people have access to any information sitting on the couch. Be it learning the guitar or an introduction to quantum mechanics. There are tutorials for everything. But are they of any help for a long term career development? Here are a few points to consider when trying to answer this question.
The problem is that there is a sea of tutorials out there. Most of which are just ‘tips and tricks’ by professionals or at best teach you the use of software to achieve certain techniques. Of course they are helpful, but for those who already have some experience in the field. For a beginner, it is absolutely necessary to have the sound basics. It not only takes a huge amount of time but it also is quite frustrating to look up to several tutorials to texture a cube (hello blender users!).
Let’s suppose that you found an entire course for free on YouTube. Why to pay a hefty fee to learn something that is already on the Internet then? Call it traditional style, but joining an institution in creative fields provides you real time experience of handling projects within a stipulated period of time. What it provides is a disciplined framework for the entire course of animation. And to talk about the fees, if someone decides to learn on there own, the overall cost of getting a high end laptop, a software and other stuff would amount to almost near the fees you’d be paying. Note that the educational institutes are always up to date with the latest version of animation software.
Keep in mind that it’s not just the practical experience you’re getting. There would be many like you with the same passion for animation but with different thought process. You would get to learn how to approach a solution by trying out many ideas and working as a team.
Team spirit is one of the major skills in demand for any job. Your batch mates would be the first people you would plan to make short animations with. Learning alongside fellow students is very necessary for a challenging mindset to develop. Sure there are forums and discussion sites, but as old fashioned it may sound - there can’t be a substitute for personal interaction!
Tutorials are doing a great job and one can still achieve proficiency. But only in certain aspects. Getting hired depends on the awesomeness of ones portfolio. Of course there are many self taught animators but given the rising demand of this career and the complexity of new age softwares in recent times. Truth be told; the number of studios or jobs demanding a certificate in related fields has become mandatory and not a preference anymore. An advanced certification improves your chances when applying for jobs.
This might be the deal-breaker when considering online learning. Even if you manage to get the skills using online tutorials or a course, it doesn’t guarantee a job. You have to work on your portfolio creation, gain interview skills, and schedule interviews on your own. But when you join a reputed animation institute, placement assistance will be provided to you. Take Arena Animation for instance. Every student gets hands-on training as a part of the curriculum. Students are given ample guidance to develop their professional portfolio. They are also given training in interview preparedness and are given the opportunity to attend interviews with many top companies and studios.
Maybe a few decades from now, the concept of ‘offline teaching’ would either have evolved or dissolved for the better. But as of today, if you wish to learn animation, join the best institute out there are get the benefits.
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