Role of Animation Events in Shaping the Future of the Industry
Image credits: ©Disney via YouTube
In the year 1914, Winsor McCay released his 'Gertie the Dinosaur' which was to become the very first example of true character animation. Then, in the 1930s, Walt Disney gave special focus to character animation in his studio, and showcased them in mini cartoon reels. His creations Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, among many others, went on to become some of the most loved and remembered cartoon characters around the world, besides creating a multibillion dollar franchise.
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known.
-Walt Disney
In the year 1914, Winsor McCay released his 'Gertie the Dinosaur' which was to become the very first example of true character animation. Then, in the 1930s, Walt Disney gave special focus to character animation in his studio, and showcased them in mini cartoon reels. His creations Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, among many others, went on to become some of the most loved and remembered cartoon characters around the world, besides creating a multibillion dollar franchise.
Check out this video to know about the history of animated character design.
Video credits: Full Sail University
It is said that animation without good caricature is like a body without a skeleton. If the element of character design is lost or weak, animation becomes a pale imitation of live-action. Great character designs can not only help to make a product look more interesting, they can also help to create huge franchises, build up companies and even shape the landscape of the industry.
Super Mario Bros., Max Payne, Sonic the Hedgehog and Angry Birds are just a few examples of the effect that quality character design can have on its creators and the final product. A 1996 game featuring an intelligent, athletic, and driven woman as the central character, Tomb Raider, became so successful that a Hollywood blockbuster starring Angelina Jolie was released under the same franchise.
Good character design ensures that the general public will be able to recall the character. The better the recall, the better sales the franchise can hope to achieve with box office, merchandising and brand endorsements.
According to Leah Hoyer, former director of development for Disney Television Animation, “The story is not always about the plot but about the character. It's the human element in the story which really completes it. How your characters interact with each other is extremely important.”
Good character design is judged on five fundamental aspects viz., functionality, recognisability, aesthetics, personality and originality. We will discuss about these elements in our next blog.
It is important to look beyond the physical appearance and take into consideration other factors which are just as important for the character’s success. These include looking at licensing and merchandising potential and enriching the character with a personality and story.
Check out this interesting video on good vs. bad character design: tips and tricks.
Video credits: BaM Animation
Google and YouTube will provide you plenty of essential information on the basics of creating eye catching character design. However, to be a professional character designer, you would need to pick up some industry-relevant skills by completing a career course. You can join one of the reputed institutes that provide courses in character design.
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